Western Massachusetts Model A Ford restorers Club

Founded in 1961
Open to all interested in Ford Model A Automobiles

Model A Restorers Club

Proud members of the Model A Restorers Club founded in 1952

upcoming events and meetings

We have regular monthly meetings and many outings/runs every year. Click the picture to see our calendar of events.

club pages and links

club contacts

Website information: Chris Lenox. webmasterdtne@gmail.com

President: Irene Eskett 413-967-5440 eskett1@comcast.net

Vice president: Henry Eskett 413-967-5440

Treasurer: Dot Thayer 413-323-7829

Recording Secretary: Allison Danielle 413-525-6635

Corresponding Secretary: Judy Korbutt 

Youth Coordinator: Catalina Daniele

Membership Coordinator: Theresa Menko: tmenko@yahoo.com

Club Historian: Tom Walder tomwalder@comcast.net

Event Coordinator: Dawn Stolulonis:508-864-3495

Mascott Newsletter editors: Bob and Theresa Menko 413-665-3957 To Submit articles/information to Newletter: tmenko@yahoo.com


Western Massachusetts Model A Ford Restorers Club